Private Editing Workshop

Private Editing Workshop
Recorded editing session done online via Skype or Google Meet. Priced by hour.
Scheduling available below, purchase at time of scheduling.
Complete details are below.
Getting Started
You can purchase prior to scheduling or schedule at the time of purchase using my scheduling system. You can purchase your session directly when scheduling. If you would like to purchase more than 1 hour please select another session time either directly after or at another date/time. You can start at 1 hr and we can continue as you see necessary.
Before we get into the session I like to discuss your photography state and editing goals so we can make the session a successful one.
If you purchased a session before scheduling please email me to schedule.
Pre-Discussion of editing is not part of hourly fee unless long consultation results.
I am a big believer in fundamentals in the development of any skill, photography is no different. I start all my workshops by ensuring that we have a good foundation to build on. Below you’ll find some sample topics:
Lightroom Workflows
Maximizing your RAW file
White Balance for true color
Targeted Adjustment tools
Those who have a greater understanding of their cameras will get some more advanced shooting techniques to focus on light, location and making good decisions to make the most of the variables. Some advanced topics are listed below:
Photoshop Workflows
Stacking for focus and tonal range
Creative Blending Techniques
Finding your vision
Subjects vary, but the following are common themes for all skill levels:
Lightroom and Photoshop Workflows
Maximizing your RAW captures
Keys to clean editing
Using targeted adjustments
Results and Expectations
Your satisfaction, enjoyment and educational experience is important to me. The goal of this workshop is to get you further acquainted with techniques to bring your captures to life and complete the vision. You should come away with a much greater understanding of what tools are needed to come away with better edits as you continue to gain experience and practice your skills.
Editing Workshops do not include the following:
Instruction on in field techniques unless in field workshop was purchased
Extended instruction on computer use. If you need help with your computer your time will be assessed to the same fees as the editing workshop.