Many of you have been waiting for this very blog, an explanation for my sudden switch from Haida Filters to NiSi Optics USA late in 2019. This is long overdue, but now I’ve found some time to sit down and explain what made me switch companies. Many of you who are reading this may have in fact invested money into the Haida System and by all means it is a good system. When you are in a position to be able to try different systems like I am, then you get the benefit of changing without much of a monetary loss. Am I recommending that you sell your Haida System and jump to NiSi? Maybe, but no. Your Haida System still is good, but I’m sure if you are currently using it you’ll relate to much of what I have to say in this review and comparison of the two systems. However, from this point forward I will be definitely suggesting to my clients to purchase NiSi products because it truly is the best system I’ve used in my photography career. There are many reasons for my switch to the V6 System by NiSi. There are both equipment reason as well as the business side of things. One of my reasons for putting this off for so long was because I needed time to really use the new equipment, experience working with NiSi over a few months, and really soak up everything.
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